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Category Archives: Monthly News Letters


DSC_5448 這次我們會去15家監獄,同時會成立9 個新的佛教圖書館。我們非常感謝各位護持的佛友們,由於你們的發心菩薩寺監獄弘法越來越好。我們七月13號就開始,七月29號才回聖地牙哥。我們現在每三個月去一次,希望以後可以每兩月去一次。監獄裡的受刑人很需要我們的幫助與關懷。如果想要幫助我們這次十六天監獄弘法的費用,請按以下連接 :staging.ibstemple.us/donate  ...
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IBS News Letters

IBS also send news letter to Dharma friends who interested in our programs. If you would like to receive the monthly news letter. You can subscribe any time on the below link. We are more than happy to share with you about what we do for bring peace and harmony in everyone's life.

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