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Monthly Archives: July 2013


35910_10151474374111512_1298722592_n我們之中有許多人幸運地在慧光法師引導下歸依三寶並受五戒。對於能有這麼一位國際知名並且有傳承的法師遠道而來探望我們這些獄囚並為我們我無法用語言表達自己感恩的心情。這是菩薩道慈悲的展現! 我第二次遇見慧光法師我的祖母剛於前一天過世。我覺得整個人好像掉了我尚未開口他就能感覺到我的悲傷。他用兩手把我整個人裹在他的僧袍裏我當時立即感受到安全、愛及被保護。他為我祖母做了一個簡短的超渡儀式我猜想真正是為我舉行的之後我就放下對祖母的情執而卻生起對的感恩。這是菩薩道慈悲的展現!  我第一次見到顯中法師我驚呆了我覺得好像曾經認識過他。他的笑容帶有傳染性他使得我們一位覺得都是受歡迎的。他看的眼神透露出鼓勵與認可讓我覺得我是有佛性的它就在我心中。當顯中法師引導我們做慈悲觀禪修時一個人都毫無懷疑地相信我們送出來的慈悲心波能量是非常非常地真實。………………….  ...
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IBS News Letters

IBS also send news letter to Dharma friends who interested in our programs. If you would like to receive the monthly news letter. You can subscribe any time on the below link. We are more than happy to share with you about what we do for bring peace and harmony in everyone's life.

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Right Motivation

 While we are listening to the Dharma, we have to avoid the four kinds of falsehoods as described below using a jug as the metaphorical symbol of our mind. The four types of mistakes are often committed and should be avoided in order to effectively follow the...
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