There are no any bad people in this world but there
are people who make mistake out of ignorance.
古語云: 人誰無過, 過而能改, 善莫大焉.
菩薩寺從1995年開始從事監獄佈教活動. 在2006年正式成立為州立政府核淮的非牟利慈善團體.宗旨是將佛陀珍貴的教法傳送到鐵圍內被人遺棄的法友們. 希望透過講授與聽聞佛法,讓他們能夠獲得身心的平靜與精神的安慰.
International Bodhisattva Sangha (IBS) started the Prison Program since 1995. IBS was formally established as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in November 2006. One of our main goals is to educate inmates in the state prisons about Buddhism, meditation, and the right way of life. Through Dharma education, many inmates found their inner peace and spiritual comfort.
截至2017年年中, 菩薩寺前往加州,俄勒岡,華盛頓和安大略省(加拿大多倫多)佈教的監獄共有33所. 巳經成立的監獄圖書館共有21所. 我們計劃在2017年的其餘時間再設置20多個佛教圖書館。展望將來在各方熱心人士護持下,能夠在加州36所監獄內均成立佛教圖書館. 讓受刑人士有机會學習佛法.
As of mid-2017, IBS has been visiting 33 state prisons California, Oregon, Washington, and Ontario (Toronto, Canada). We are planning to setup 20 more dharma libraries for the rest of 2017. With the help of passionate supporters, IBS is planning to set up libraries in all 36 state prisons in California in the future.
菩薩寺是一個小團體, 一切經費來源自各方善心人士捐贈. 由於你的慷慨解囊, 讓我們有更多机會去幫助受刑人士來改過自新. 使他們有勇氣再面對社會.做一個有貢獻者.
IBS is a small organization, and all the funding comes from generous donations from our supporters. With your generous gift, we will have more opportunity to reach more inmates with our prison program, giving them strength and courage on their path in becoming a contributor to the community when they are released.
為了能夠順利推行監獄佈教各項活動, 菩薩寺成立一個每月$10捐贈運動. 有意參與者, 請按這裡.
IBS introduced a $10 Monthly Donation Program for anyone who would like to support the activities included in the Prison Program. If you would like to make a donation, please press here.
連絡地址 / Contact Information:
International Bodhisattva Sangha (IBS)
9715 Carroll Centre Road Suite #105
San Diego, CA 92126, USA
Shirley Tam (Secretary)
Telephone: +1 619 450 3699
FAX: +1 858 484 1889
E-mail: [email protected]
Hand-folded Thanks
IBS Prison Program is extended to almost all the state prisons in California. Who makes this program so smooth and productive? You may say the IBS members who visit these prisons on regular basic, but I got to tell the truth. This program is running entirely with the support of many people. This program won’t be successful and beneficial without generous people from all over the world. On behalf of IBS, I would like to thanks all the online volunteers, supporter, and recurring donors.
Recently, we are on 15 days northern California prisons trip. This time many people bless us to make this trip worthwhile. This time our visits are very smooth and productive so far. I want to extend my gratitude to the supporter from Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, China, Canada, Taiwan, and the USA. Our special thanks to Joyce Huang and family for accommodating us three-nights stay at her house. We also would like to thanks to Andy who is the owner of a Vietnamese restaurant in Chowchilla. He always serves us vegetarian food for free of cost and also donated the program. On the way back on coming Friday, we are invited by Leanne Chen to her house for two-night accommodation in Irvine. We salute you all who have been supporting to make the IBS Program smooth and successful. Thanks for your selfless effort and support. Amituofo
IBS Prison Program
曾所結緣。必不壊失! 🙏🙏
The IBS team would like to announce that a 15 days long prison visitation program for Northern California will begin on March 10. This is our first long trip for 2019 of which all coordinations are already in process with the Community Resource Managers at all institutions.
During this trip, besides delivering the Buddha Dharma to our Dharma sisters and brothers, also we are going to provide chanting books, Dharma books, DVDs, CDs, chanting beads and bookmarks at each Iron Temple.
IBS team is cordially inviting all our sponsors and volunteers to participate in this meaningful event. Any donations are sincerely appreciated and accepted.
Prison visitation schedule will be announced upon complete confirmation received.
For donation please contact:
9715 Carroll Center Rd.
Suite 105 San Diego CA 92126
TN. 619-450-3699
Email address: [email protected]