三時繫念佛事 – The Thrice Amitabha Yearning and Chanting Ceremony
El Camino Memorial - Sorrento Valley 5600 Carroll Canyon Rd, San Diego各位菩薩:阿彌陀佛! 我們敬愛的譚巧嫦菩薩,已於10月19日下午示現無常捨報往生。 譚居士是慧光師父的乾媽,也是美國菩薩寺秘書長,長期在教界發心,尤其是全心投入美國菩薩寺的監獄弘法,幫忙了許多受刑人獲得重生。譚巧嫦居士一生所做不失,功不唐捐。 在10月27日上午,美國菩薩寺特請慧光師父,為譚居士誦持三時繫念佛事祈福,敬請各位菩薩蒞臨壇場,為譚居士念佛祈福迴向,祈請 諸佛菩薩護祐譚居士萬緣放下,乘願再來。 Dear Bodhisattvas, Amitabha! Our beloved Bodhisattva Shirley Tam has peacefully passed away in the afternoon of October 19th. Sister Shirley is the godmother of Master Hueiguang and the Secretary of International Bodhisattva Sangha (aka IBS). She has been active in the Buddhist religious community for a long time. In particular, she wholeheartedly devoted herself to Continue Reading