International Bodhisattva Sangha not only preaches in the prison but also setup Buddhist libraries for our Dharma brothers Buddhist practitioner. IBS started to setup libraries since 2010. There are 21 libraries already have in 8 different California state prisons. This year we are planning to setup 4 more Buddhist libraries in the up north prisons. We already received about 200 Dharma books from different people as a donation. We need more to have enough books for brothers to read about Buddha Dharma. Please join propagate the Buddha Dharma in the prison world. If any one would like to participate in this meaningful program, feel free to contact us and get more detail about it. If you wanted to send any support of donation, you can just click on DONATE. If you want to send any Dahrma books or checks please send on this below address.
International Bodhisattva Sangha
12584 Sora Way
San Diego CA 92129