Since 2010 IBS has been setting up Buddhist Libraries in California State Prisons. It’s been 4 years with this project. There are 43 libraries we have setup so far. IBS would like to thanks all those organizations and individuals who have been sending...
My Brother's Letter
Dear Ven. Zhong, Daniel and Shirley Tam; Thank you very much for your visit to C.C.I. Tehachapi on Sunday, February 9th. I enjoyed your visit very much, and it was very meaningful to me. I already look forward to the...
My Brother’s Letter
Dear Ven. Zhong, Daniel and Shirley Tam; Thank you very much for your visit to C.C.I. Tehachapi on Sunday, February 9th. I enjoyed your visit very much, and it was very meaningful to me. I already look forward to the...
美國菩薩寺收到38本藏傳書籍,這些都是加拿大的居士(我們網路義工)Ming-Ling Tsay 法友寄過來的。我們非常感謝Ming-Ling 居士特別幫我們找藏傳佛教的書籍跟監獄的法友們結緣。 這次 的書籍我們會送到學習藏傳佛教多人的監獄圖書館。希望都一些人捐藏傳佛教的法寶,監獄的圖書館很缺藏傳佛教的書。光是在加州就有三十 六家監獄,美國菩薩寺慢慢的每一家都會盡我們的力量去成立圖書館。如果有心想要在書籍或經費方面幫 助的話,請跟我們聯絡。
”世界上沒有所謂的壞人,但有一時無明犯錯的人”。 希望每一個人都有機會聽聞佛法,我們讓受刑人給因緣修行,當他們放出來才在社會不會恐亂。希望世界和平,大家快樂。 阿彌陀佛教! International Bodhisattva Sangha (IBS) 9715 Carroll Centre Road, Suite #105 San Diego, CA 92126 Phone: 1+619-450-3699 Fax: 1+858-484-1889 E-mail:- [email protected]...