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IBS Annual Fund-Raising Dinner 2015 監獄弘法募款餐會

April 18, 2015 @ 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm


IBS Annual Fund-raising Dinner


The International Bodhisattva Sangha (IBS) is a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization in San Diego California, USA. Our main mission is to spread the Dharma in California State Prisons.


Over the past two decades, IBS has helped hundreds of incarcerated individuals realize they do not have to continue to suffer. The program educates inmates regarding Buddha’s teachings, thus enabling them to free their minds in spite of their physical confinement. Currently, IBS visits 19 prisons in the state of California.  In 2010, IBS established The Prison Library Program. Since then, IBS has created 61 libraries in different yards within the prison as well as various prisons throughout California. Additionally, IBS has helped established Buddhist groups, or Sanghas, in the prisons. At this time, there are 34 Sanghas. The IBS Prison Program was founded on the belief that no one is perfect. Though all inmates are paying karma for acts they committed; like all beings; it is essential for their growth that they receive love and kindness. They too need guidance and support to recognize that they possess a Buddha-nature. We cannot forget about, nor give up on these individuals because they have made mistakes. Our efforts with those incarcerated have made a tremendous difference in the lives of numerous inmates. These successes would not have been possible without the support and generosity of compassionate people as IBS runs solely based on donations. These donations have enabled IBS to continue to provide much-needed support to the inmates who are sincerely working to change their lives.

在過去二十年中,我們用佛法幫助了數百位受刑人,經 由學習佛法使他們了解雖然他們身繫囹圄,可是心可以是自由無礙的,他們也因此不再煎熬受苦。 目前美國菩薩寺在加州的19個監獄中做弘法的工作,在2010年時開始在獄中設立佛教圖書館,到現在已經有61個圖書館分佈在加州監獄中。此外,菩薩寺也 輔導受刑人在獄中成立僧團,到目前為止已經有34個獄中僧團。菩薩寺的監獄弘法工作是基於沒有一個人是完美的信念,受刑人現在是為他們之前所造作的惡因在 受果報。就如同所有的生命一般,他們也需要愛和關懷,他們需要有人去引導他們了解他們每一個人都是具有佛性的。這項監獄弘法的工作如果沒有大家的護持,我們是無法獨力完成的。因為有你們的熱心捐款護持,我們才有機會可以幫助那些受刑人讓他們有重生的機會。

Besides receiving donations, another way IBS raises funds to help with expenses is through our annual fundraising dinner. This year the dinner will be held on April 18. If you would like to support our program, you can buy a ticket for this event. Please join us and spread the word for our brothers incarcerated in the Iron Temples. They need our continued support and assistance to provide the Dharma to them.

菩薩寺即將於四月十八日舉行一年一度的募款活動,如果您有意參與支持,您可以購買一張餐券,並邀請您的親朋好友一起共襄盛舉。您的捐款護持可以讓菩薩寺籌 得所需經費,而得以繼續監獄弘法的工作,讓在監獄中因為一時的無明而犯錯的受刑人能夠有聽聞學習佛法的機會。

Your support for this event to help us continue our mission is very much appreciated.


With Metta,




April 18, 2015
5:00 pm - 10:00 pm


Shirley Tam – 譚師姊


Jasmine Restaurant
4609 Convoy St
San Diego, CA 92129 United States
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