The Dashain Festival in Nepal has just ended, and the practitioners from the International Bodhisattva Sangha (IBS), thinking of the suffering of flood victims, wasted no time in heading to the disaster areas to offer compassionate aid.
10月17日下午菩薩寺行者Piya博士,帶著菩薩們的祝福,來到了偏僻的Magar Gaun村落。這裡沒有任何外連通道,所有的道路皆已坍塌或被洪水沖斷,雖然水災已發生多日,但都無人能將愛心賑災物資捐贈到這個地方。為了援助這個偏遠山區的3處地方:
1. Lapse Village Ward 3
2. Magar Gaun
3. Rosi Gaunpalika Ward 9 & 11
On the afternoon of October 17th, Dr. Piya, a practitioner from IBS, brought the blessings of all Bodhisattvas to the remote village of Magar Gaun. There were no accessible roads into the area, as all paths had either collapsed or been washed away by the floodwaters. Although the flood had occurred days before, no one had been able to deliver relief supplies to this location. To aid this remote mountain region, supplies were delivered to three places:
1. Lapse Village Ward 3
2. Magar Gaun
3. Rosi Gaunpalika Ward 9 & 11
For the first time in the history of IBS’s relief efforts in Nepal, modern technology was used—drones were deployed to transport relief supplies, providing aid to over 120 households.
Meanwhile, in another location, Dr. Dil, a practitioner from IBS, returned to the severely affected area of Panauti, where he visited several families who had lost loved ones in the disaster, offering them a small financial donation to help alleviate their immediate economic pressures.
在18日下午,行者開車經3個多鐘頭,風塵僕僕地來到加德滿都東南方80多公里處的Mangaltar 村落。如其他災區一樣,這裡也有60幾戶房子完全被無情的大水吞噬,以及120多戶房屋部分損毀和一人死亡。在這裡菩薩寺也發送了100多份援助物資給所有需要的人。最後,我們的醫療團隊也在村莊裡,進行了兩天的義診活動,祈願各位受難者能平安,並獲得三寶的慈悲護佑。阿彌陀佛!
On the afternoon of the 18th, the practitioners drove over three hours to reach the village of Mangaltar, more than 80 kilometers southeast of Kathmandu. Like other disaster areas, this village had over 60 houses completely swallowed by the relentless floodwaters, while more than 120 houses were partially destroyed, and one person had lost their life. In Mangaltar, IBS provided more than 100 relief packages to everyone in need. Lastly, our medical team conducted a two-day free clinic in the village, praying that all victims find peace and receive the compassionate protection of the Three Jewels. Amitabha!
Once again, we offer our deepest gratitude for your noble support!