1. 翻譯受刑人信件 (英翻中)
2. 文章撰寫, (由常住提供內容)
3 .宣傳監獄弘法訊息。
4. 活動海報設計
5. 協助搜尋英文佛教書籍 (監獄佛教圖書館藏書)
6. 繕打受刑人信件
7. 資料整理
8. 推廣每月$10的活動
9. 找印經護持者
10. 幫忙拍照
Be Our Volunteer Through Internet
Dear Dharma Friends,
Amituofo!! The era of Internet brought us lots of convenience. Nowadays many people don’t even need to go to their office to work but working at home. With advanced technology, we should have sense of gratitude towards all benefits it brought us. We also have to make good use of all resources available.
International Bodhisattva Sangha in the US mainly focuses on propagating Buddhism and setup Buddhist libraries in the California State Prisons. There are only a few people volunteering on this program. Among total 36 prisons in California, we have already successfully approached 15 prisons and set up 40 Buddhist libraries. While the more the prisons we are serving, the more difficult for our limited manpower to catch up with increasing workload. Therefore, we are now recruiting more volunteers who can help us through Internet. If anyone would like to offer your time and effort to be our volunteer via Internet, please feel free to contact us.
You can volunteer any of the following:
1. Help typing brothers Letter (In word file)
2. Translate letters from English to Chinese
3. Design flyer for events
4. Design Postcard with Venerable Dharma Veres
5.Design pamphlet brochure about IBS Prison Program
6. Help to write articles for monthly newsletters.
7. Search for Buddhist organizations in your area who donates books for Buddhist libraries in prisons.
8. Help writing articles for our website (We will provide the information)
9. Photo-shop design (Refuge and five percepts certificate of brothers)
10. Promote $10/month program.
11. Ask for the sutra printing supporter.
12. Create blog to spread the word.
13. Help Venerable design power point presentation.